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Integral Yoga - The Four Pillars

Mission of the Swami JyotirmayAnanda Society (SJS)

Our mission at the SJS is to preserve and disseminate the invaluable teachings of our revered Gurudev, HH Swami Jyotirmayananda Ji Maharaj, across the globe and in various languages. We are dedicated to selflessly serving humanity by promoting spiritual values and guiding individuals on the path to self-realization through the wisdom of sacred Sanatan Dharma scriptures and the profound teachings of our worshipful Gurudev. 

Our approach is rooted in the four pillars of Integral Yoga, which encompass the following aspects:

Karma Yoga:

We encourage selfless service through charitable and volunteer activities, fostering a spirit of compassion and altruism that uplifts both the individual and the community.


Raja Yoga:
We integrate the practices of Hatha Yoga and Dhyana Yoga (meditation) into our offerings, empowering individuals to achieve balance, self-mastery, and inner stillness.

Bhakti Yoga: 

We cultivate devotion through spiritual chanting and devotional activities, deepening our connection with the divine and nurturing the heart's innate capacity for love.


By embracing these four pillars, the Jyotirmaya Yoga Society aims to create a global community of spiritually awakened individuals, united in their pursuit of self-realization and dedicated to making the world a more compassionate, harmonious, and enlightened place.

Jnana Yoga:

We are committed to spreading spiritual knowledge, fostering a deeper understanding of the underlying principles that govern the spiritual journey and awakening the wisdom within each seeker.

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