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The JyotirmayAnanda Society (JNLPS) aims to advocate the unity that underlies all faiths and religions, recognizing that "God is One, paths are many; all lead to the same Source." We strive to disseminate the essence and mystical meaning of all Vedantic Scriptures and the Scriptures of the world, revealing that "Truth is one—Sages and Saints speak of it in different ways." Our goal is to emphasize the oneness in creation and cultivate a spirit that communes with the Ocean of Universal Awareness in the spirit of the Vedantic axiom, "Vasudeva Kutumbakam"—this world is our family. Through the time-proven philosophy of Integral Yoga, we seek to promote the highest culture that humanity can attain and serve humanity by raising human consciousness through teaching the technique of mastering the mind and following the principles of "simple living and high thinking." We strive to promote the understanding that the ultimate purpose of life is Self-Realization, and to offer powerful and time-tested techniques for attaining it. Our aim is to demonstrate that one can live in this stressful world and yet rise above it by learning to use every circumstance in one's life to their advantage. We seek to make available to all the means to attain a healthy body through Hatha Yoga exercises and Pranayama, while training the mind to be focused, peaceful, and relaxed, and going beyond self-limiting concepts in order to discover one's infinite potential. We teach the art of meditation to enable one to silence one's thoughts and ultimately to learn how to transcend the body and the mind to experience Samadhi. Finally, we publish and make available through books and all possible media the teachings of the highest order, drawn from the ancient wisdom of Vedanta, and expressed with rare intuition by the Enlightened Master—Sri Swami Jyotirmayananda.


Swami Jyotirmayananda

Swami Jyotirmayananda was born on February 3, 1931 in Bihar, India. He was initiated into the ancient order of Sanyasa by Sri Swami Sivananda, founder of the Divine Life Society in Rishikesh, India. Swamiji taught at the Yoga Vedanta Forest Academy and served as editor of the Yoga Vedanta Journal. In 1969, he founded the Yoga Research Foundation and his Ashram in Miami, Florida, which has since expanded worldwide. Swamiji established several institutions in India, including the Divya Jyoti School for children and the Jyotirmayananda Ashram and Vocational Training Center for abused and neglected women. He is recognized as a leading proponent of Integral Yoga, sharing his wisdom through lectures, books, and the monthly magazine, the International Yoga Guide. Through his teachings, one can discover the secret wealth of the Self and attain the ultimate goal of Enlightenment.


Morning 9:00 am
Evening 8:00 pm
Dinner Prayer 8:30 pm

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